Now that’s a scary image.

Heed this warning: there are some things Science was not meant to attempt.

Coming up, Larry and Stephanie attempt some of the other things Science was not meant to…well, you know.

It’s discombobulationtronin’ time!

UPDATE:  Andy P. over at I, Mummy, has started his long-awaited Chapter Two! It’s a great time to get acquainted with a great comic, so head on over!

As part of the 2015 Webcomic Underdog’s Secret Santadog Exchange, the mighty Jakob Nelson from Arthopping, sent me this wonderful rendering of the world’s most adorable robot:

Isn’t that wonderful? Can you guess what kind of book it is? I just love it! Thank you, Jakob, you are the best!

So, I did a little something for Charil, over at Clockwork Atrium. It was a lot of fun, and it gave me a chance to rediscover one of my favorite comics.


Happy Holidays, you wonderful reader, you! I hope it’s a great time.