Whoa…The State Department? For Chuckleslovakian affairs?
Why Eleanor? Do they know something she would rather they not know?
Like, oh, her Discombobulationotron? But what would that have to do with Chuckleslovakia? So many questions!
Well, you’ll find out next time. It’ll be mixed in with a science lesson, which I think you’ll find entertaining, at least.
Ooh… a thickening plot! Well done Charlie. Love the third frame, all that fruit.
Thanks, Chris! I thought that that panel needed more mayhem. Glad you like it.
And yes, the plot is thickening like my morning oatmeal…
We’re from the Government, and we’re here to…..talk you into helping us. >>
He’s starting out by appealing to her patriotism. He’ll have more to bargain with very soon.