Those of you who’ve read “The Adventures of Lyssa and the Pirates” know that our Lyssa does a mean (is there any other kind?) impression of Eleanor.
So, it’s party time at Chez Eleanor’s, is it? Well, you know what her parties always end with, right? This looks like the recipe for-if not disaster, at least some fireworks.
The fuse is lit, and next time we’ll watch them rockets go shooting skyward as Reade and Edison and Lyssa calmly sit down and discuss upcoming event. Uh-huh. Not in this world. Stay tuned!
For Larry, the door.
For Edison, a lampos’.
Could not have said it better myself, my friend. Too perfect.
That…has to be the most incredibly accurate Eleanor impersonation, EVER!\ ^^
Extremely effective tension defuser, too. 🙂
Lyssa is a woman of many talents. Gosh but I love her.
Lyssa’s gonna be a good mom.
Yes, yes she is. Firm but forgiving, ready to temper her justice with mercy.
And she’s commanded a shipload of children, so she’s practiced in dealing with surprises.
Hope Eleanor never finds out about this. But Lyssa is a great Eleanor, still!
Lyssa is one of the few people she wouldn’t get back at for that. She’d make some snarky remark, but secretly she’d be amused. And Lyssa would know it.