Ha-ha! Stephanie just told Larry about that sweet evening they shared together* while he’s got a knife! Oh, you know he’s not gonna use it. Larry’s more for the cutting remark, anyway.
And he’ll have a few remarks next time, I guarantee. Not the ones you might have been expecting, but he’ll definitely have his say!
I think when Edison talked about honesty, she meant more regarding feelings than facts. Oh well, no way to put that cat back in the bag. Though a book of kitten pictures might come in handy right about now.
*2013? It was that long ago?
No, Larry would not use the knife, but I’m not sure he will hold the tongue lash.
2013! Darn webcomic time!
He’s learned the hard way to hold his tongue.
Ooh. Knives out.
And Edison, you must have known you were walking straight into that one. Have you ever met Stephanie?!
She’s still getting used to being sober and Stephanie. And you must admit, Stephanie is full of surprises.
…wait, didn’t he already know that?
I can neither confirm nor deny. All will be revealed in your future.
“We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.”
Since Edison didn’t remember their tryst the next morning, I’m a little surprised she remembers now.
Um Stephanie? Honest answers! Don’t volunteer stuff. O.o
Oh, but Stephanie reminded her while they were shopping. That’s what led to the books with pictures of kittens which led to Reade Turner.