Oh my.
Hey, last strip of 2012! What a year- I bought a used bookstore and published 185 webcomic strips. I met some wonderful artists and writers, and we’re gonna make 2013 even better than this year.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support, especially you, and you, and, yes, you. Your comments mean a lot to me. I promise to do my best to give you the best comic I can. Thanks again.
So here’s hoping your 2013 is everything you hope it’ll be!
ooo Anya dropped a bomb!
and it’s always the right weather for leather.
Right both times!
I also love the barn door motif in the bathroom.
I thought about doing shower curtains, but Edison already has those. Then I was gonna do glass, but Anya has a Craftsman style house, so it just seemed to fit.
OK, I read about this in a short story collection one time. Is Anya suddenly “topping from the bottom?” I hate the phrase because it makes me think of pies that are poorly made.
Mmmm…pineapple upside-down cake.
Nope-Anya knows something that Edison doesn’t want anyone to know: her real name. Edison didn’t hear Anya, ’cause she was off changing clothes.
This is why I am really not liking Anya. First she weasels her way into a relationship between two people who were kind of heading down toward just being strictly together; now just because she accidentally found out bout Edison’s real name, she (Anya) is going to go behind Edison’s back and look her up despite that she was told not to.
I hope she gets a good kick in the pants by either of the two to snap her out of this. She may say she is submissive, but god dang it she does whatever the hell she can to get what she wants. Still, I really do like this webcomic, don’t get me wrong on that. I just don’t like characters like Anya, I’ve read a webcomic before where there was a lesbian character trying to force a couple to break up because she wanted the woman in the relationship, it just irks me that some people have no respect for people who just want to be together.
Well, you’re not alone. I’ve had more than one person who doesn’t like her. That’s an excellent character description, by the way. She is submissive, but she’s got her own agenda.
Though, to be fair, she and Edison have been flirting with each other for some time. It’s just the whole timing of everything. Of course, the clown noses at the library sped things up considerably, just like they do in real life.
As far as the “Rosemary Pipkin” information, well, we’ll just have to see what she does with that, and what the repercussions might be. I will say that there’s more going on than meets the eye, and lots will be revealed as 2013 progresses.
In the meantime, thanks for reading and commenting! Please, keep letting me know what you think! As you can see by the Venusian Cat Girl (if indeed, that’s what she is) I do take your comments seriously.
Here’s hoping you have a happy, Groovy Kinda New Year!
Clown noses in real life? Of course! Why didn’t I think of that. (I’ll let you know how it goes) (c8
Penn and Teller have a story about a friend of theirs and clown noses and driver’s licenses.
Haha, submersible. That one made me laugh. Yeah, I kinda have mixed feelings about Anya, myself. I love everyone else, but there’s something about her… Nit88 made some good points, but I don’t quite feel the same way. I figure, if person A leaves person B for person C, it is not the fault of person C (unless there was a gun involved, lol). It is an issue between persons A and B and no one else.