I have to tell you-this strip almost didn’t get done. I just went through an Artist’s Block that lasted over a week. I couldn’t draw anything.
As you can see, whatever it was that was keeping me from drawing has retreated (for a long time, I hope).
I think it may have had something to do with the current storyline. You’ll know more when you see Monday’s strip.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for using the Amazon link.
Have a great weekend!
You sure can’t see any remnant of writer’s block – the artwork looks great! I especially like the night sky, and the facial expressions. Nice!
I absolutely adore your webcomic and I am completely impressed that this week’s comic came out of a bout of artist’s blog. It’s really beautiful.
Thank you so much!
Stephanie may be a robot but she has more feelings than most.
“We’re making a blue thing I can’t tell you about” ranks right up there with “do not taunt Super Happy Fun Ball.”
“We’re making a blue thing I can’t tell you about” xD
Your style is so similar to the Foglio’s, you know that? Both in the drawings, and the brilliantly silly brand of off-the-wall humour 😀
That’s funny, ’cause I’ve known Phil for many years, and he even published two of my comics (Xxxenophile Presents) back in the day.
High praise indeed! Thank you! Phil and Kaja are absolutely fantastic creators, and wonderful people to boot.