Astute readers (you, you, and who could forget you?) will know exactly what Edison’s showing Stephanie. The rest of you may want to revisit some earlier strips. ’nuff said.
Happy Monday! Some of the mystery will be revealed, and an idea will be hatched. Good idea? Well, you’ll see.
I love what you did with the wood molding around the closet.
While I’m deeply curious, I think I’ll not skip backwards and just wait to be pleasantly surprised. I’m going to try treating this as if I’m reading a novel and not re-read things until I get to the end.
Also, lowrider jeans. Yay!
Thank you! I love doing woodgrain, even if it doesn’t show up as nicely as I’d like with the lower resolution. When I finally make a print comic it’ll look even better.
Sometimes it helps to skip around in Groovy, Kinda. Wednesday I’ll put a couple links to past strips that will help explain what’s happening.
Yay lowriders!
Large and mysterious belly-button piercing?
Because if Edison has invented vajazzaling in an era of lowriders, it makes sense why Stephanie is so shocked! Ow!
Well, she did say she would be wearing pants when she shows it to Larry.
So my guess is the Piercing.
I love the fashion of Groovy. Low Rider Bell Bottoms and Large Lapels. 🙂
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of (most) 70’s fashions. Hiphuggers, bellbottoms, halter tops, polyester, wide ties and wider lapels…sure, there was a lot of cringeworthy stuff back then, but at least we wore our hats on straight!
I can neither confirm nor deny.