And, once again, Stephanie hijacks the comic.
This was not the comic I had originally written. That was a silly little gag comic, until Stephanie stepped in on Panel 4 and took over, bless her heart. And doesn’t she look adorable with a milkshake mustache?
So, let’s start dealing with the whole “are we gonna get married, and how in the world would that even work” thing.
Starting next week, with a strip that’s halfway done so don’t worry, we’ll be on schedule.
Plus, a delightful surprise coming next month!
How can Stephanie hijack the comic??? It’s HER comic! You just draw the pictures. (You already suspected as much, right?) There’s a discombobulochip implanted in your head, or maybe your drawing hand, that tells you what’s happening in the Groovyverse so you can record and disseminate it to the masses. (That’s what I am, a mass.)
As for the three of them getting married together, that will depend on what state they are in; Bewilderment and Inebriation are two of the popular states for destination triplex weddings, but there are others.
I believe you have summed it up perfectly, Pops. In many ways this is Stephanie’s story. From her first fumbling attempts at humanity, to her invention of the bacon waffle (mmmm, bacon), she’s been the guiding light of happiness throughout Groovy, Kinda.
Eleanor would, of course, call Balderdash. She feels that this comic is about her.
And don’t get me started on Miffy.
Bewilderment, inebriation, determination, and lots of love.
As a co-worker says: “If you really believe, and with a pinch of magic, you can do it.”
Hmmm, since Stephanie’s exact nature is somewhat, um, questionable, adding her to their union should present no legal problems, because the laws only apply to humans. Anyone or anything else can be called anything the group chooses, or be decorated (say, with rings) as seems best to everyone. 🙂
After all, just because you didn’t make the laws doesn’t mean you can’t abuse them! ^^
Very true, my friend, very true.
Stephanie is-however bad this sounds-technically an object. I guess legally she’s a machine. So, yes, they could concoct a marriage.
As long as Stephanie feels it’ legitimate. They don’t want to try to fool her.
Steph, sweetie. You’re adorable, but you really gotta give the meatbags some time to let things like “oh yeah, I’m divorced now” sink in. They can’t handle your superior processing speed.
That better be root beer Robie’s swilling.
Stephanie’s wonderful, but she does lack impulse control sometimes. And she works on her own wavelength.
Robie’s a confirmed teetotaler. Not that alcohol would affect him. He just doesn’t like the taste.
“Well, things turned out all right in the end, but you mustn’t ask ‘cos it’s naughty. They’re all married and living quite well in a council estate near Dulwich.”
A smiling face, a fireplace, a cozy room
A little nest that’s nestled where the roses bloom
Just Larryy and me
Stephanie makes three
We’re happy in my blue heaven
Reminds me of my favorite joke from Futuruama.
“With my mighty robot power, I can get sick of things much quicker than you humans.”
Stephanie doesn’t have to time experience things on a meatbag’s timetable.
“You know what? Skip the blackjack.”
It’s funny-melaredblu and hippo and I were referencing Futurama last night too. Great minds.
Stephanie sure is impatient, huh. You’d think a humachinal with a potentially unlimited lifespan (as far as we know) would be more patient.
Maybe it’s the bright shiny idea of engagement. Or maybe this is her wanting a permanent family.
That’s a high-end grill, I must say!
Stephanie is letting herself get carried away, but isn’t this what we all want for our merry threesome?
“The M9 Grill” is a wonderful beanery, featuring some of the finest in Chuckleslovakian cuisine.
Yep, getting carried away is kind of a trademark of Groovy, Kinda.